Successfully integrate CinetPay’s CHECKOUT API

The Python library documentation can be found here.

Supported Python Versions

This library supports the following Python implementations:

  • Python 2.7
  • Python 3.4
  • Python 3.5
  • Python 3.6
  • Python 3.7
  • Python 3.8
  • Python 3.9


Install from PyPi using pip, a package manager for Python.

   pip install -i cinetpay-sdk==0.1.1

If pip install fails on Windows, check the path length of the directory. If it is greater 260 characters then enable Long Paths or choose other shorter location.

Don't have pip installed? Try installing it, by running this from the command line:

    $ curl | python

Or, you can download the source code (ZIP) for Cinetpay_SDK-python , and then run:

python install

You may need to run the above commands with sudo.

Getting Started

Getting started with the Cinetpay API couldn't be easier. Create a Client and you're ready to go.

API Credentials

The CHECKOUT API needs your Cinetpay credentials. You can either pass these directly to the constructor (see the code below) or via environment variables.

from cinetpay_sdk.s_d_k import Cinetpay

site_id = "XXXXXX"

client = Cinetpay(apikey,site_id)

Alternatively, a Client constructor without these parameters will look for APIKEY and ClIENT_AUTH_TOKEN variables inside the current environment.

We suggest storing your credentials as environment variables. Why? You'll never have to worry about committing your credentials and accidentally posting them somewhere public.

Initialize a Payment

from cinetpay_sdk.s_d_k import Cinetpay

site_id = "XXXXXX"

client = Cinetpay(apikey,site_id)

data = { 
    'amount' : 00000,
    'currency' : "XOF",            
    'transaction_id' : "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",  
    'description' : "TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION",  
    'return_url' : "",
    'notify_url' : "", 
    'customer_name' : "XXXXXXXXXXXX",                              
    'customer_surname' : "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",       
print(client.PaymentInitialization(data) )

Check Transaction with transaction id

from cinetpay_sdk.s_d_k import Cinetpay

site_id = "XXXXXX"

client = Cinetpay(apikey,site_id)
transaction_id = "XXXXXX"


Check Transaction with token

from cinetpay_sdk.s_d_k import Cinetpay

site_id = "XXXXXX"

client = Cinetpay(apikey,site_id)
token ="XXXXXX"


If you've instead found a bug in the library or would like new features added, go ahead and open issues or pull requests against this repo!