Initiating a payment


Submit all requests to the api URL. All requests are submitted via the HTTP POST method in JSON format

How to generate a payment link

To initialize a payment you need to generate a payment link by sending the following information in JSON. For the credit card payment option, add this optional information

Variable name Type Size Required Description
apikey note String - Yes your apikey(provided by CinetPay)
site_idnote String - Yes your site_id(provided by CinetPay)
transaction_idnote String - Yes Transaction identification (unique)
amountnote Integer - Yes The amount of the transaction must be a multiple of 5)
currencynote String 3 Yes The currency (XOF, XAF, CDF, GNF, USD)
description String - Yes Description of the current payment. For better operation, do not put special characters in the parameter value (#,/,$,_,&)
notify_url Url - Yes The payment notification link
return_url Url - Yes The link where the customer will be redirected after the payment
channels String - Yes Used to define the universes present on the counter (ALL, MOBILE_MONEY, CREDIT_CARD, WALLET). By default, channels is ALL
lang String - No the default language of the payment gateway (fr, en)
metadata String - No any other additional information, generally you will put values you need to identify or process the payment easily, example: the order reference
invoice_data Object 3 Non Any additional information you want to display on the CinetPay invoice (Supports three variables that you name at your convenience)Example
lock_phone_number Boolean - Non This parameter allows you to prefix the number that will be used for payment. Once on the counter, the customer simply validates his payment. It is always used with customer_phone_number Example

{primary.fa-info}To display the credit card payment option, you must add to the previous information this optional information

Variable name Type Size Required Description
customer_id String - No The customer's identifier in your system
customer_name String - Yes The name of the customer
customer_surname String - Yes The customer's first name
customer_phone_number String - Yes customer's phone number
customer_email String - Yes customer's email(In case of a claim, this address will be used to pre-fill the field on the form)
customer_address String - Yes the customer's address
customer_city String - Yes customer's city
customer_country String 2 Yes The country linked to your CinetPay account. The value to be sent is the country's ISO code (two-digit code) e.g. CI, TG, SN.
customer_state String 2 Yes The state in which the customer is located.
customer_zip_code String 5 Yes The client's postal code

Integration with redirection

The standard integration consists of posting the initialization parameters to the payment API in order to generate a payment url. Once the url is obtained, you just have to launch this url in a web browser to find yourself on the payment counter.

Example of query Javascript

    var axios = require('axios');
    var data = JSON.stringify({
      "apikey": "",
      "site_id": "",
      "transaction_id": "YOUR_TRANSACTION_ID",
      "amount": 34,
      "currency": "USD",
      "alternative_currency": "",
      "description": " TEST INTEGRATION ",
      "customer_id": "172",
      "customer_name": "KOUADIO",
      "customer_surname": "Francisse",
      "customer_email": "",
      "customer_phone_number": "+225004315545",
      "customer_address": "Antananarivo",
      "customer_city": "Antananarivo",
      "customer_country": "CM",
      "customer_state": "CM",
      "customer_zip_code": "065100",
      "notify_url": "",
      "return_url": "",
      "channels": "ALL",
      "metadata": "user1",
      "lang": "FR",
      "invoice_data": {
        "Donnee1": "",
        "Donnee2": "",
        "Donnee3": ""

    var config = {
      method: 'post',
      url: '',
      headers: { 
        'Content-Type': 'application/json'
      data : data

    .then(function (response) {
    .catch(function (error) {

After getting the payment url from the previous request, you just need to launch this url in a web browser to get to the payment counter.


{warning.fa-close}For more security, the payment information must be saved in the database before displaying the counter.

Example of query

  "amount": 2500,
  "currency": "XOF",
  "site_id": "XXXXX",
  "transaction_id": "REFID12354",
  "description": "TRANSACTION DESCRIPTION", 
  "return_url": "", 
  "notify_url": "", 
  "metadata": "user001",
  "customer_id": "001",
  "customer_name": "John",
  "customer_surname": "Doe",
  "channels": "MOBILE_MONEY"

Example of a successful response

    "code": "201",
    "message": "CREATED",
    "description": "Transaction created with success",
    "data": {
        "payment_token": "5df64dd9c5447739327eb88e1e4ea0ac015555cc262ea308c91acbd4e5c8fb95f4bd0bd7cad877a452f877fa6f51fe74184d00a84ab7f9",
        "payment_url": ""
    "api_response_id": "1632143554.8513"

Example of an error response

    "code": "ERROR_CODE",
    "message": "ERROR_MESSAGE ",
    "description": "ERROR_DESCRIPTION", 
    "api_response_id": "RESPONSE_ID_HERE"

Integration without redirect(Fast)

Quickly integrate the payment api using the sdk Seamless. Your customers will be able to make the payment without leaving your platform.

{secondary.fa-close} Apple has rolled out an update on Safari including the “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking” feature, which results in the deletion of cookies in pop-ups. With seamless integration, clicking on the “Pay” button can redirect the user to the CinetPay site on iOS. Ideally, you should use integration by redirection


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <script src=""></script>
        .sdk {
            display: block;
            position: absolute;
            background-position: center;
            text-align: center;
            left: 50%;
            top: 50%;
            transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
        function checkout() {
                apikey: '',//   YOUR APIKEY
                site_id: '',//YOUR_SITE_ID
                notify_url: '',
                mode: 'PRODUCTION'
               transaction_id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000000).toString(), // YOUR TRANSACTION ID
               amount: 100,
               currency: 'XOF',
               channels: 'ALL',
               description: 'Test paiement',
               //Provide these variables for credit card payments
               customer_name:"Joe",//Customer name
               customer_surname:"Down",//The customer's first name
               customer_email: "",//the customer's email
               customer_phone_number: "088767611",//the customer's email
               customer_address: "BP 0024",//customer address
               customer_city: "Antananarivo",// The customer's city
               customer_country: "CM",// the ISO code of the country
               customer_state: "CM",// the ISO state code
               customer_zip_code: "06510", // postcode

            CinetPay.waitResponse(function(data) {
                if (data.status == "REFUSED") {
                    if (alert("Your payment failed")) {
                } else if (data.status == "ACCEPTED") {
                    if (alert("Your payment has been made successfully")) {
            CinetPay.onError(function(data) {
        <div class="sdk">
            <h1>SDK SEAMLESS</h1>
            <button onclick="checkout()">Checkout</button>

the SDK Seamless is one of its tools specific to Javascript, facilitating the integration of the counter.

Thus, the merchant will be able to use it in Javascript code, allowing him to call the CinetPay counter.
Follow the full tutorial!


Good to know

1) amount : The amount must be a multiple of 5 or the transaction will fail. This restriction is not applied to the currency USD.

  • invoice_data

                "Reste à payer":"25 000fr",

  • transaction_id :
    • The identifier of the transaction is related to the token; if you modify the value of a parameter during the initialization, you will have to generate a new identifier otherwise you will not have a new token.
    • In order to avoid failures, it is preferable that the transaction identifier does not contain special characters (#,/,$,_,&)

  • Apikey : Your apikey is unique, you can use it for your test and production stages. You can also create another account for your production run

  • Site_id : the site_id is obtained after subscribing to a service, you can use it for your test and production stages. You can also create a new service for your production run

  • Currency: CinetPay is only allowed to collect in local currency. You cannot create a transaction in a currency different from that which is authorized for your account.
    Ex: if your account is created in Cameroon you can only initiate a payment in XAF

  • lock_phone_number :
    • lock_phone_number : True ou false
    • customer_phone_number : prefix + number (ex: 2250504315545)
      "lock_phone_number": true,
      "customer_phone_number" : "+2250504315545"

{info.fa-info}Sandboxes are temporarily unavailable

Error Status

Code Cause Solution
SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired expired ssl certificate DST Root CA X3 root cert expired and was replaced by ISRG Root X1 certificate. Change the certificate on your server
Status : 608 Minimum required field A required parameter has not been provided or an error on the parameter nomenclature. The format of the request is not JSON. Parameter value is invalid Check parameter table or send format
Status: 608 "You cannot create a transaction in a different currency than the one allowed to your account. Transaction currency:'X' Account currency:'Y" You cannot create a transaction in a different currency from that which is authorized for your account, if your account is created in Cameroon you can only initiate a payment in XAF Contact your CinetPay account manager for more details
Status : 609 AUTH_NOT_FOUND apikey provided is not correct Retrieve the correct apikey in your back-office (integration menu)
Status: 613 ERROR_SITE_ID_NOTVALID site_id provided is not correct Retrieve the correct apikey from your back-office(menu integration)
Status: 403 This happens when the content-type used is different from the json
Status : 429 TOO_MANY_REQUEST The system has detected that your activity on the API is suspicious Comply with the instructions given to correctly initiate your payment
Error code :1010 Error code: 1010 means that there is a restriction following the request issued by your server. The error occurs because your application did not send a user-agent to the CinetPay API
Page 400 access denied 1) service not identified

2) return and notification url set to localhost
1) Identify your service from the back-office

2) Try again with the ip address of your local server, e.g.