Steps to transfer money


Add the number(s) to your CinetPay contact

Link: Api Add contact(s) to CinetPay

NB : If the contact exists, the response will have a success code, but will explain this fact in detail.

    "code": 0,
    "message": "OPERATION_SUCCES",
    "data": [
            "prefix": "225",
            "phone": "52798593",
            "name": "Test & A",
            "surname": "Test B",
            "email": "",
            "code": 726,
            "status": "ERROR_PHONE_ALREADY_MY_CONTACT", "lot": "0044557641201539786998"
            "prefix": "225",
            "phone": "77895086",
            "name": "Test C",
            "surname": "Test D",
            "email": "",
            "code": 726,
            "status": "ERROR_PHONE_ALREADY_MY_CONTACT", "lot": "0044557641201530021279"

Send money to phone number

Link: Api Send money from one or more of your CinetPay contacts

Your notification url

Wait for your notification url to be called by CinetPay Transfer Each step of the money transfer processing will be notified to you by calling Link: your notification page, more details in the notification section